December 24, 2015

Kids in the Kitchen

If you plan ahead, little helpers
will learn so much while being
involved with adults in the kitchen!  

Consider inviting youngsters
to assist with food prep, shopping
or doing simple tasks that get 
everyone "ready" for a meal.

"YouKnow" offers
additional suggestions to
involve your favorite little one
in activities that help them learn:


December 7, 2015


Join us at Parkside for 
"Cookies and Milk with Santa!"

Monday December 14th
5:00 to 6:30 P.M.

Families will enjoy refreshments;
each child chooses a new book
 and receives a photograph,
 taken with Santa & Mrs. Claus. 


December 6, 2015

Shall We Begin?

"My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned
or modern is very simple:  loving others.
Come to think of it, why do we have
to wait for Christmas to do that?"
                                                            ~Bob Hope


August 1, 2015

#GoodBook: 8-1-15

"I'm not going." 
"It will be hard."
"I don't know anyone."

Sarah Jane Hartwell is scared.
Dad steps in to convince her
that she's going to be okay.   

You'll be cheering Sarah on,
as we all should when kids are 

uneasy with "something new."

We'll read it @ the start of our school year;
it's also at the Lawrence Township Library:

Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

July 25, 2015

Cool Pops

Projects in the kitchen are a "win-win!" 
We promote how to practice
following directions, encourage
creativity, and build vocabularies.   

It's HOT outside!
Why not try these fruity pops, 
courtesy of "Highlights" magazine?
Note:  no oven necessary.


July 24, 2015

Free CVC Printables

Why not use puzzles to help a youngster practice and recognize CVC words?  

Those would be basic vocabulary made up
 with "Vowel-Consonant-Vowel" patterns.  

The link above has a complete set of
printables to create a learning station
that can get you started right away. 

July 8, 2015

Be a Literacy Partner

Reading aloud to children is not only one
of the best activities to stimulate language
and cognitive skills.  The very act also
builds motivation, curiosity, and memory.

July 6, 2015


Reading aloud to kids is vital.  It helps
them acquire essential information & skills!
  • Knowledge of printed letters and words.
  • The relationship between sound and print.
  • The meaning of words.
  • How books work, and a variety of writing styles.
  • The world in which they live.
  • The pleasure of reading.
    Start with wonderful
    at Storyline Online:

June 10, 2015

1st Program is June 11th

The folks at the Lawrence Public Library District welcome Laura Ernst to kick-off
their "Read to the Rhythm," 2015
 Summer Reading Program !  

Juggler and acrobat, she'll be at the
Lawrenceville High School auditorium
2200 James Street
Lawrenceville, Illinois 
on Thursday June 11th
for a 2:00 P.M. show.

Families can still sign youngsters up  
at L.H.S. and enjoy all the special
activities.  There's no cost to join the fun!

See a complete schedule of
programs from June 11th to July 21st:

May 27, 2015

Book of the Day

If you ask a child "Why should we eat
veggies," it would NOT be a trick question. 

How do we get kids to try new,
interesting foods that are good
for them?  You now have help via
  ideas in "Let's Cook," from Sesame Street. 

Find this family cookbook
in Parkside's Parent Lending Library!
Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

May 23, 2015

Discover Starfall

We recommend Starfall for introducing
basic English reading and writing skills.


It's so appealing!  

Don't miss Starfall's free App for 


May 20, 2015

Book of the Day

  Vicky Myron's true story about an abandoned
kitten stuffed into the drop box at her
small town Iowa library has been a great
book for Parkside pupils this week. 
We highly recommend this delightful tale!

Find this story in the Title 1 Room
and at the
Lawrence Township Library:

Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

May 14, 2015

Book of the Day

Lois Ehlert penned a great picture book
about caterpillars, butterflies and the
gardens  that will attract them.  Want to
learn about the life cycle of butterflies? 
This is the book for you!

The story even includes suggestions for
growing butterfly-friendly gardens! 

Find this story in Parkside's Title I Room
and at the Lawrence Township Library:
Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

May 12, 2015

Book of the Day

A shy Canadian moose admires a lovely
neighbor, but is too uneasy to befriend her. 
Yet he's catapulted into action when she is
captured by an evil trapper.  His quest takes
him to New York City, while he discovers
strength that most heroes never muster!
Where's the "love" button
when you need one?

Find this story in the Parkside Title I Room!

Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

May 2, 2015

Beautiful Are the Children

Mark your calendar! 
Our PreK classes invite you to  
their annual  "Spring Sing" in the
school gym, on Thursday May 14th.

Join us at either 9:00 A.M. or 1:30 P.M.
Afterward, plan on enjoying refreshments
in Miss Stacey or Miss Julie's classroom. 

Photograph compliments of Ed Brumley

May 1, 2015

We Can't Wait!

2015 Summer Reading Program

Mark your calendar 
to plan on attending 
"Read to the Rhythm."
Register now at the library or
at the first session on June 11th!

Take a peek at the weeks
full of fun from their list of programs:

Spread the word!  

  814 12th St.
Lawrenceville, IL 62439
Mon - Wed - Fri: 10am-5pm
Tue - Thu: 10am-7pm
Sat: 10am-3pm
Sun: Closed

April 29, 2015

Book of the Day

A tiny bird hatches while mother is away.
Fallen from the nest, he sets out to look for
her and asks everyone he meets -- including
a dog, a cow, and a plane
"Are you my mother?" 

In the end he's reunited with his
in a glorious moment of recognition.

Find this story in the Parkside Media Center,
or at the Lawrence Public Library:
Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

April 27, 2015

Book of the Day

April is National Poetry Month.
Why not enjoy some rhymes
and discover the various things that
animals eat?  Hmmm, try dragonflies,
old straw, and even some slugs--yum!  
You'll enjoy the amusing
watercolor illustrations for each poem.

Find this book in the Title 1 Room

Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

April 26, 2015

Book of the Day

Lilly strongly contends
her brother Julius is.......disgusting
Just wait until readers learn that
cousin Garland
dares to criticize Julius.
Suddenly the little brother is
"baby of the world!"
It's a great book. 


Find this story in the Parkside Media Center,
or at the Lawrence Public Library:
Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!

April 17, 2015

Spring Carnival Time

Hip-hip hooray..... give a cheer
The BIG day is nearly here
Our calendar says April 18th will be
Filled with surprises for you and me!

Bring mom, dad, and little brother
Because this Spring Carnival's like no other
From 4:00 to 7:00 at Parkside School
Because our PTO knows that "kids rule!" 

to the Parent Teacher Organization who've
organized this FREE event for our school community.
Proceeds from the sale of food items
support projects that benefit Parkside pupils. 


March 30, 2015

Book of the Day

Sal and her mother go out into
the country to pick blueberries for
Meanwhile a bear and his
mother go to eat berries for winter
from the other side of the same hill.
What happens when a little girl
and a baby bear get mixed up?
A 1948 tale, a true classic! 

Find this story in the Parkside Media Center,
or at the Lawrence Public Library:
Thanks in advance for sharing.
We say "Yes" to good books for kids!